This section clarifies what each product does, also how and when to use it.
N-P-K figures are percentages of nitrogen, phosphates and potash present in the product. N-P-K figures are approximate and quantities and ratios can vary depending on supplier. Nitrogen promotes foliage growth and is particularly needed for grass and leafy vegetables. Phosphates promote root development and are needed for young plants, root vegetables, fruit and seed crops. Potash promotes flower and fruit growth and is also needed for potatoes. Signs of Shortages: Nitrogen: stunted growth; small, pale green leaves; weak stems. Phosphates: stunted roots and stems; small leaves with a purplish tinge; low fruit yield. Potash: edges of leaves turn yellow then brown; low fruit yield; fruit and flowers poorly coloured; low disease resistance. Coverage rates: At 1 oz/sq. yd: 1 kg covers 35 sq. yds. At 2 oz/sq. yd: 1 kg covers 17-18 sq. yds.
Bonemeal Organic, fine ground fertilizer that slowly releases organic nitrogen and phosphate into the soil; this encourages strong and healthy root growth. Bonemeal can be used anywhere in the garden, as a base dressing (before planting/sowing) or a top dressing. Use mainly in Autumn and early Spring. [N-P-K : 3.5-18-5. Base dressing 4.5 oz/sq yd. Top dressing 3 oz/sq yd.]
Growmore Provides balanced nutrients for strong and healthy growth. Improves vegetable cropping levels and can also be used as a fertilizer before sowing grass or laying turf. Use early Spring to end of Summer. [N-P-K : 7-7-7. Base dressing 4 oz/sq yd (most vegetables and flowers), 6 oz/sq yd (potatoes). Top dressing 2 oz/sq yd. Before seeding 4 oz/sq yd]
Fish, Blood and Bone Organic based, fine ground fertilizer, containing bonemeal, dried blood and fishmeal, enriched with potash and other plant foods. Balanced feed, encouraging strong and healthy root and top growth. Use anywhere in the garden, from March to October - every six weeks. [N-P-K : 5:5:6.3. Base dressing 4.5 oz/sq yd. Top dressing 3 oz/sq yd]
Flower & Vegetable fertilizer (TEV04) A powder fertilizer with the same formulation as Q4: for flowers shrubs, roses, fruit, lawns and vegetables. Apply evenly to the soil & hoe in. Water in dry conditions. [N-P-K : 5.3:7.5:10 + trace elements. Top dressing 4 oz/sq yd]
Superphosphate Helps root development and quick establishment of young or recently moved plants; encourages early maturity of fruit. Use all year round (top dressing particularly in Spring). [N-P-K : 0:18:0. Base and top dressing 2 oz/sq yd.]
Garden Lime A safe form of lime to reduce soil acidity (raise pH). The activity and effect of beneficial soil micro-organisms are enhanced by lime and most plant foods are made more readily available. Improves structure and drainage of heavy soils; improves speed and degree of decomposition in compost heaps. Supplies calcium; well-limed soil is less likely to carry clubroot disease. Good for many vegetables, including beans, brassicas, carrots, lettuce and parsnips. Also good for shrubs, including buddleia, daphne, forsythias, broom, lilac. Bad for acid-loving species. Use all year round, but particularly in winter. [Base dressing: 16 oz/sq yd for very acid soil, 8 oz/sq yd on vegetable plot. Compost heaps 8 oz/sq yd every 6 inches depth]
Sulphate of Iron For azaleas, camellias, rhododendrons, heathers and all ericaceous plants. Take care, it will stain paving and other stonework. Use only when needed; do not exceed the stated application rate. [Base dressing 1 oz/sq yd. Top dressing 1 oz/sq yd once or twice in growing season.] If using Sulphate of Iron on the lawn then one good heaped tablespoon to half a gallon of water.Mix well and sprinkle on the moss. There is no measure of how much a watering can should cover. The only rule is but make sure you have wet the moss with the mixture.DO NOT THEN WATER THE LAWN FOR 12 HOURS AS THE MIXTURE WORKS ON THE TOP OF THE MOSS NOT ON IT’S ROOTS. After three or four days the moss will go black. You can then go over any patches you have missed or start raking out the black moss.
Sulphate of Ammonia Quick acting, growth promoting nitrogen fertilizer. Gives rapid boost to established, quick-growing vegetables and salad crops; spring tonic for shrubs, fruit and spring greens. Great for lawns. Apply dry or dissolved. Use April to September. [N-P-K: 20:0:0. Top dressing 1 oz/sq yd] If using Sulphate of Ammonia on the lawn then one good heaped tablespoon to one gallon of water.Mix well and sprinkle on the lawn with a watering can. There is no measure of how much a watering can should cover. The only rule is but make sure you have given the lawn a good coverage.IT IS NOT ESSENTIAL TO WATER THIS IN AFTER APPLICATION.The results are gradual but you should see a difference after a week or two.
Sulphate of Potash The best source of potash for most plants, often deficient in very sandy soils. Particularly needed by flowers, potatoes, beans, tomatoes, currants and gooseberries. Acts quickly. To correct a potash deficiency quickly dissolve 1 oz in a gallon of water and wet the soil thoroughly. Use in the Spring. [N-P-K: 0:0:48. Base or top dressing 0.5-1 oz/sq yd]
Rose Food New plants: use 4 oz/sq yd as a base dressing. Containerised plants: 1oz with 2-3 hands full of moist peat in base of hole. Established beds: mid-March (at first sign of growth) 4 oz/sq yd, then 2 oz/sq yd monthly until August. Do not apply after this; it may encourage soft growth and fungal disease. [N-P-K : 5:5:10 + magnesium and trace elements]
Spring/Summer Lawn Food Promotes active growth. [ N-P-K : 12:6:6. Apply 1oz/sq yd. Water in if no rain after 24 hours]
Lawn Weed and Feed + Moss killer Greens the grass and kills most broad-leaved weeds and moss. Contains quick, intermediate and slow acting ingredients for steady growth. Apply when grass is dry but soil is moist. [N-P-K : 8:0:3. Apply 2 oz/sq yd. Water in if no rain after 24 hours.]
Autumn Lawn Food Promotes healthy root system to give a good start the following Spring and increase root resistance during the Summer. Apply when grass is dry but soil is moist. [N-P-K : 3:12:12. Apply 2 oz/sq yd. Water in if no rain after 24 hours]